Wednesday, May 14


eclectic / deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources /

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(oasap sweater, zara skort, asos velvet plimsolls, ebay choker)

Sometimes it's when we take a step back that we can actually see something clearly. I came home from the library, dressed, grabbed the camera and tripod, and headed out the door - all was good! It was only at the editing stage that I noticed how diverse my clothes choices were (I kind of set that up as if I was going to reveal something very meaningful); each garment could be categorized differently: the top in the sports-inspired category, the skort in 'chic'/minimal, the plimsolls in the lounge/downtown-wear, and the choker, well, that's just downright 90's grunge. You could say it's an eclectic mix or that my grab-and-go methods need some cleaning up.

So, I'm in Mayo at the moment, my safe study haven, where I usually get through the bulk of my overdue college work because of the peace and quiet! Is anyone else so screwed for finals!? Or are you finished and enjoying your summer, in which case, I'm jealous - very jealous.

Hope you're all well, 
Naz x

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