Saturday, March 22

Everything We Touch

So it's been awhile...I'M SORRY. I have a plethora of excuses but there's something more pressing at hand: KIM AND KANYE ARE ON THE COVER OF VOGUE. Like..what is up with that? Kanye I get but Kim...not so much, what do you think? Moving on, I'm currently off college for 'reading week' (which I've done very little of) and I've just been spending time at my mom's house chilling, eating - currently obsessed with Yorkie Raisin & Biscuit bars, and shopping - everything in H&M is amazing oh my god.
So, we took these photos in Phoenix Park in Dublin. Kevin can drive now so I'm super excited to start finding new locations! While we were driving there it started lashing rain but stopped while we took photos and recommenced when we drove that was meant to be folks.

(nasty gal dress, H&M crop top, new look boots, my mom's bag, Oasap sunglasses)

Posts will be more regular now, I finally got the camera back from my sister! Oh my god, I almost forgot to mention something pretty big which is that I dyed my hair! I bleached it kind of on a whim, and wanted to go light brown. I don't think I've laughed so hard in ages; my friend and I were pissing ourselves laughing at how patchy my hair was and a week later, we bleached only certain parts so it's much better now (when you've a problem with bleach just fix it with more bleach ofc). I wasn't happy with my fringe colour so that led to a third bleaching, yup. 

Hope you're all well, 
Naz x

#sorrynotsorry for always posting Say Lou Lou songs :)

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