Friday, June 13

latest beauty & skincare buys (SUMMER BEGINS!)

Exams are over and it's time to get back into swing of things! I finally have nothing I have to do so I've been spoiling myself with lazy days, catching up on shows (OITNB, AoT!) and the most shocking of all: I read a book that WASN'T on a prescribed course. I know, my summer is really off kicking off. Anyway, I haven't gotten out to do an outfit post just yet so I bring you a rare, if not a first, beauty post!

My latest beauty and skincare buys:

Origins Modern Friction: a bit pricey but look at the size and it's an exfoliator so it'll last me aaages. It seriously brightens up my complexion! But don't get this into your eyes since it contains a lot of lemon so it stings. Bad.

The Body Shop Camomile Cleansing Oil: I love this. At the end of the day when I'm removing make-up I take two pumps on my hands and smooth into face and eyes; it's not too oily and removes all make-up perfectly. It also smells nice - bonus. 

Bourjois Rouge Edition Velvet 'Frambourjois': a matte liquid lipstick. Incredible formula that lasts and it's a pretty reddy-pink colour that's easy to pull off! 

Revlon Colourburst Matte Balm in 'Sultry': I'm more of a matte lipstick kind of girl and the fact that these are easy to apply and incredibly creamy makes it perfect. 

L'oreal Mega Volume Miss Manga: I got a purple mascara, yep, purple! and it's not a ridiculous type. Not always noticeable but I've been told a few times that it looks cool, so that's good! It's also gives great length but if purple isn't your thing, there are blue and black versions (separately, not blue and black although that's kind of cool).

Hope this helped! Also, because of stoooopid exams I broke out with blemishes and spots - if you've any recommendations, I'd be super happy if you left a comment :)

Naz x

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