Wednesday, July 3

Belfast photo diary

In my last post, I mentioned that I was in Belfast, so I thought it'd be fun to put up a photo diary post! This first shot is of The Giant's Causeway. The rock formations were cool to learn about (wish I could remember!).
I brought a pair of trainers, I don't know why I didn't switch in to them. The trek wasn't too bad though!
 A view from inside "the Organ" which the mythical giant Finn played.
The sis. 
"The Giants Boot" Finn you have got some big ass feet. 
My other sis!
Dunluce Castle
Then, we went to Belfast City! Was a beautiful day :)
What!? That's what we were all thinking, the pink ain't werkin.
BEST way to finish off the day!
Hope you enjoyed this post! A full outfit post should be up soon. So sorry for the irregularity of posts, I've been so busy but good news, I am now an intern at Joanne Hynes studio! Check out her designs, they're amazing and unique. 

Hope your week is off to a good start :) 
Naz x

p.s. do you guys prefer centered/justified/left-aligned text? I'm not sure how I feel about them. 

Catch up with me here: BLOGLOVIN // TWITTER //  INSTAGRAM


  1. Hi hun! such a great pictures! I’m loving them all! you look wonderful AND! congratulations on your internship!!!! Omg that’s amazing :D :D big hugs <3

  2. thank you!! and for the lovely comments on my blog! <3


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