Wednesday, August 14

quirky shirt

Today was a "raid your mama's closet" kind of day. My shirt, shoes and bag are my mom's and I must say, I'm loving them all.
It's funny to see how my mom's whole closet is so "IN" right now but years ago, I would have cringed at the sight of her quirky print shirts and baggy wide pants. Just goes to show everything comes back. Anything you want to see come back? (jelly shoes eek.)

Now onto the dress, I bought this plain purple cotton dress in Topshop (on sale! woohoo.) and I've been wanting one for awhile. The perfect thing is that it's plain - there's SO many options. Here, it acted like a canvas for the shirt and the necklaces but another day I can wear it on it's own! Also, I love throwing a sweater/knit over a dress and then it looks like I'm wearing a skirt. Two in one people...two in one. 

Besides outfits, work has been pretty fun and besides that, nothing much has been going on! Boring, I know. 

Hope you're all doing well!
Naz x

wearing: my mom's shirt, shoes &bag, topshop dress & necklace, primark necklace.

Catch up with me here: BLOGLOVIN // TWITTER //  INSTAGRAM


  1. Love this blouse on you! You and your mom both have great taste!

    Xo, Hannah


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