Thursday, January 16


(wearing Zara top and jacket (old), Aldo boots)

I can't explain how I'm feeling these days, while my exams are on, but 'deliriously happy' comes close. It's feels hyper-real. Before my first exam, I was smiling like I didn't have a care in the world and laughing and during the exam, humming tunes in my head. Now, this is not to be confused with confidence. I most DEFINITELY did not ace those exams and I have a bad feeling that I failed one. And yet, I feel really blassé and can't bring myself to study. I also take this as a bad sign. Maybe what I'm studying really isn't for me; they're interesting subjects but I know in the back of my mind, I probably won't pursue it. If I don't feel wholehearted about something, I usually won't put my all into it. Anyway, 4/6 exams left. Wish me luck! By the look of things, I'll need it. 

Hope you're all well and sorry for the lack of posts! Once exam season is over, I'll get back into the flow of things. 
Naz x

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