Monday, April 20

rings of saturn

I was mentally cursing myself when I was editing these photos; I don't know why, while wearing a t-shirt make-shift dress, that I would take these photos from that angle. I promise you that in real life it's not as short as it looks!
I can't think of any news (...the weather has been nice?) but knowing me there's probably nothing much but the occasional rant and instances of my lazy disposition but anyway, I hope you've all been enjoying a more exciting week!

Oh and as for the title, the book I'm currently reading (a.k.a speed reading and cutting to the vip parts) is Rings of Saturn by W.B. Sebald. If you're reading a book or have any recommendations, let me know!

(tbh don't know what I was doing with the next photo)

(zara top, h&m cardigan)




  1. Amazing look, this outfit suits you so well!
    I just finished Les Misérables by Victor Hugo and I really enjoyed it; incredible book!

    XO Imke //

  2. 14, 2015, 8:39:00 PM

    This is such a cute outfit! You look gorgeous


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